Wednesday 2 November 2011

Well, hello

It really has been a while this time, hasn't it? As I've found in the past, going back to work really isn't conducive to regular blogging. Amazingly, I'm already over half-way through week four of the daily grind. I don't quite know how.

Anyway, given I've got a limited amount of time today (on my lunch break) and that my internet access at home is down, this is going to have to be quick. In summary:

– I had a great last weekend in France and Italy with my lovely lovely Italian friends. It included everything I thought it would – rooftop cocktails in Nice and a night on the town, followed by a day at thermal baths in the mountains in Italy with the girls, and one last Italian pizza. The sun shone so I also squeezed in one last swim of the year in the Med (my daily dip in the sea is one of the things I miss the most).

– Coming back to the freezing freezing (at the time) NE was tough. Amazing to see my family but a shock to the system weather-wise. It was chilled to the bone cold (especially as I was living out of my suitcase full of summer clothes) and I really noticed how the weather restricts the ability to be outdoors. Once we'd had our daily Costa coffee we had to think of indoor things to do. I'd been used to lying on the beach for eight hours – swimming, snoozing, reading my book, people watching. With company or without. When the weather's nice you can just 'be' outside. It's harder to just 'be' inside. Anyway, my mum and I found plenty to do, including a visit to the Turkish baths in Newcastle; somewhere I'd never been before but will definitely be going back to. It's very old school and all the more lovely for that. I paid extra to use the city pool too, so managed to get my lengths in that day.

– Coming back to my flat was great! I loved having a range of clothes, shoes, jewellery etc to choose from. I loved having my own space. I loved the familiarity and the fact it was all mine and only mine. Since I got back I've embarked on a big clear out – the freezer's been defrosted (long overdue), the bedroom has been cleaned from top to bottom, including moving every bit of furniture to hoover properly, turning the mattress, clearing out old clothes (mine and T's – I was obviously emotionally ready to tackle this job, but incredible that it took me over two years to feel up to it. I'm pleased I did it in my own time though.). Everywhere is (for now) hoovered and dusted on a weekly basis to keep on top of it, so I'm generally feeling more feng-shuied and happy to be living in my newly streamlined and clean abode. I've also been inspired to get my slow cooker out (thanks to Sal!) and have now got eight home-cooked meals in my freezer which will save me cooking from scratch sometimes.

– I've had Chri to stay for the weekend. Massi and Elvira were meant to come too but cancelled at the last minute. We had a great weekend nevertheless – fish and chips, curry, Camden Market, Covent Garden, an Arsenal game at the Emirates, a Perpignan reunion with two other girls we lived with in 1996, birthday presents and cake for Chri's birthday... It was quite nice being a tourist again in my own city – made me appreciate London a bit more.

– On Monday I started Italian lessons. I'm having two hours every Monday and Thursday for five weeks. The really great thing is that there's only two students in the class, so I'm hopeful we're going to learn a lot and progress quickly. I love language full stop, but I already know I'm going to enjoy learning Italian and being able to communicate with my Italian friends who are always obliged to speak in English when I'm around.

– Work is work is work. Some things never change. I am enjoying being back, using my brain, earning some money to pay for the amazing summer I had, seeing my work friends again. It hasn't been daunting going back. And working four days a week makes a massive difference. I'm so grateful to my mum for suggesting I try and negotiate four day weeks (until Christmas anyway). It means I have one day to get on top of my chores and still have two days of weekend. I LOVE IT!

Right, I'm afraid that's my lunch break over. Hopefully I'll be able to post more regular updates once I resolve my internet at home issues. That may take some time and might involve me buying a new computer in sheer frustration though...