Tuesday 14 September 2010

Daily grind

Just a quick one to update anyone who's interested on how day one back at work went:

On the bright side
- I didn't have to get up too early as had counselling at 10am
- This also meant I didn't get to work till noon, so didn't quite work a full day
- I know two of my three colleagues from last time I worked there. That made a huge difference. Friendly faces. I'm also familiar with processes, clients etc. It's a bit like watching a soap opera - you can go away for 18 months and come back and still catch the drift of what's going on. And there was carrot cake. That always helps
- My brain still works. Hurrah!
- I didn't turn into an emotional wreck. Commuting, especially the evening commute, or the thought of it anyway, has freaked me out since T died as I was on the train home when the hospital called me. But I survived
- Location etc is all do-able. I can walk from Waterloo which will keep me fit and means I can avoid rush-hour Tubes
- There's a Costa nearby. They serve flat whites. I've never been a takeaway coffee girl; thought it was too expensive. Now it's going to be my daily treat to myself. Life's too short to worry about spending £2.35 on a coffee if it gives you pleasure. I wish I appreciated that before
- I'm earning some money again (which is just as well as the monthly travelcard cost me a small fortune)

On the darker side
- Got home about 7.30pm. Opened my mail, checked my voice messages, checked Hotmail/Facebook and generally unwound. I then had to do a 6 mile run. In the dark. That took me 50 minutes. Got home, made a few calls, stretched, showered, did dishes, made sarnies for tomorrow. Time for bed. No time to cook. No time to do much else. There's more to life than that - I know that now. It's what I do with that knowledge that matters though...

Thanks for the various texts and emails I got today. I appreciated you thinking of me.

Right, better get some kip ready to start all over again tomorrow. From the crack of dawn this time :o(

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