Wednesday 13 October 2010

A sense of perspective

Like many people, the plight of the Chilean miners has moved me to tears. To be stuck underground for so long beggars belief - 69 days. You just can't get your head around it. Their solidarity and cameraderie in light of what they've been through is admirable. The rescue effort is just mind-boggling; they've thought of everything and it's going so well. My floodgates have well and truly opened. It puts so much into perspective.

I find it interesting that so many of the miners have decided to get married as a result of what's happened. T's proposal to me, after 10 happy unmarried years together, was triggered by the London bombings and his uncle dying from cancer. It's funny how it sometimes takes triggers like that to make you realise what it's important in life. And sad too. Why does it have to come to that?

Anyway, I'm so happy that the miners are being rescued. The 33. The age T was. A special number. I can't begin to imagine the hell they've been through. They are brave men. They will live new lives as a result of what they've been through.

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