Friday 21 January 2011

Sorry, this one really is all about me

Several years ago, like maybe five, a colleague did my birth chart for me. On a whim, tonight, I started reading through it again. Those of you who know me well may find this interesting. Or just incredibly self-obsessed and rather dull!

- You love interacting with others, and delight in experiencing life in a social setting. The challenge of working out the intricacies and problems posed in relationships gives you a feeling of enormous satisfaction, especially when things work out in a positive manner.

- You are constantly aware of an inner tension that makes you want to upset your settled existence and throw off the traces by heading off in some sort of wildly tangential direction in your career or relationships [what, like VSO for example?]. For you to feel at ease, you need to find constructive ways to satisfy this rebellious attitude. In order to avoid acting in a sullen, unpredictable and contrary manner with the feeling that life has passed you by, consider consciously seeking out a lifestyle with a large amount of variety and a good deal of risk. In doing so, you will be happy, and others will find you refreshing.

- At your best, you are extremely cautious and conservative. But often you analyze situations to such an extent that you develop a feeling that all of life is difficult, hard to deal with, and oppressive. This leads to your feeling depressed and alienated. Often you are paralyzed by inaction because you are afraid that what you decide to do may be the wrong thing. Try to lighten up on yourself. Don’t be afraid to act. Even though you are faced with a number of choices, your decision-making processes are so thorough that probably all your possibilities are correct and appropriate.

-You have an innate toughness about you that sees you through difficult times. Indeed you are at your best when challenged by seemingly impossible circumstances. You have the discipline and tenacity to face overwhelming odds or to deal constructively with radical and sweeping changes. You are a survivor and, ultimately, a winner. As such, you have the ability to lead others, especially in times of stress.

-Your physical attractiveness is an annoying issue in your life. It is very difficult for you to judge whether you are truly attractive or not, and you usually will not take the word of those who are close to you. Remember that they are attracted to you because of what you are. They accept you, and so should you. Even though you think that you should always be seeking to make improvements and will devote much time and energy to self-improvement, it is probably not really necessary.

- You are a perfectionist by nature...

- Stubborn and tough, you fight for any position you believe in, and are formidably resourceful when you become angered or upset about something. Because you are easily hurt by others, you may strike back with bitter sarcasm. For you, life must be experienced intensely and totally, and you enjoy living life at the cutting edge. Possessed of great courage, you are willing to take calculated risks. With your sensitive curiosity, you are concerned with the deeper mysteries of human psychology.

- Fear of poverty motivates your desire to work hard and make money, often to the exclusion of meaningful relationships. Beneath your impeccable appearance and sexual magnetism lies an insecure child seeking approval from peers and loved ones. Tolerant, generous and infinitely patient, you have earned the reputation for being the one upon whom others can rely. Once you begin to feel good about yourself, you won’t feel guilty about all the material things your money can buy. You are sensual and affectionate but require a great deal of tenderness and attention in return.

- Relationships (both business and personal) are necessary for you in order to understand the world around you. You need the counterpoint of a partner in order to become exposed to new experiences. When you are left to depend solely on yourself, you tend to withdraw and feel lost and lonely.

- Extremely restless and curious, you are always on the lookout for new and stimulating experiences. You are easily bored when you are forced into doing routine, repetitive tasks. You love to travel and will go out of your way to seek out new and different points of view. For an idea to have a strong impact on you, however, it must first appeal to your emotions. Try not to let attitudes that you learned early in life close your mind to the exciting opinions that you will encounter.

- You have many friends and acquaintances, and it takes some doing just trying to fit them all in to your busy social schedule. [You can say that again!]

- You have a unique and independent outlook on life, but you keep on trying to suppress it. You try to live up to the expectations and guidelines that those who are important to you have set up. But that is not the real you and you know it and find it very frustrating. You are afraid to break out of your rut, however, and live according to your own rules.

There are also some things that are way off. Like, for example:

- You would rather talk than eat. [Doesn't sound much like me!]

- Shy and reserved...

- Prone to inertia and depression, you may identify with those who do not fit in with the rest of society.

- You are attracted to studies that demand an unruffled temperament in order to handle any kind of intricate and complex subject matter. This would include science, communications, electronics, computers and maybe even astrology.

- Be careful of a tendency to become placid and self-satisfied and to overeat (especially sweets).

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