Tuesday 19 June 2012

On the road again

I've been a bad blogger. I'm sorry. I aim to be a better blogger from now on (subject to wifi access).

Just a quick update before bed... so I got back from India, had about ten days at home then took off again to visit friends in Madrid and Paris, coming back to London via Switzerland where GB was doing his annual Ironman 70.3 triathlon. I loved being back in familiar European cities after the chaos of Indian cities. I also loved the food and the weather. And I loved hanging out with GB. Being surrounded by triathletes for a weekend in Switzerland was good for me and has really motivated me to start my Great North Run training. Tomorrow, for sure...

I then had a few days at home before I hit the road again, this time heading north to Nottingham and Newcastle to visit my ever-loving family. It was great seeing everyone and spending some quality time with my little nephew. I got back to London on Sunday night and had until Saturday to pack my flat up, give it a thorough clean and pack my bags ready for my second summer in Italy. It was manic. I was manic. But I did it. With a LOT of help from my friends. Couldn't have done it without GB and me Ma, so thank you both.

On Saturday me and me Ma set off on our road trip to the Med. The first leg was from the UK to Metz, in France. It was a smooth journey but I was absolutely shattered and pleased to get to the hotel. The second leg was from Metz to near Strasbourg – only 1.5hrs – where we stayed with friends who we hadn't seen since 1998. It was lovely to catch up with them and, as you might expect, we ate and drank far too much, including five desserts (after a cheese course too). Not a good idea when you're en route to the Mediterranean.

Today we drove from Alsace to Lake Como. It was a beautiful drive and I love it here; I've had my first Aperol Spritz of the summer and an artichoke pizza. It's balmy and peaceful and my heart feels more at peace than it has for a few weeks. Now it's time to relax.

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