Friday 16 April 2010

Going AWOL

Just to let you know that we're moving house tomorrow and the new place doesn't have internet access. It'll be like therapy for me. I'll have to go cold turkey. It also means that it'll likely be all quiet on the blog front, in case you were wondering what had happened to me. In addition to the lack of internet access, we fly to Brisvegas on Wednesday then join a 3-day sailing trip on Friday so I'll definitely be AWOL during that time. I'll be back as and when I can. Hope you all have a good weekend and that the volcanic ash cloud soon blows over so my poor parents can get back from Poland.

Also, a quick update on my day if you're interested: this morning I took the Colt for a drive to the local shops. It all went well but when Janelle got back from work she informed me I'd parked the car the wrong way on the street. Apparently here you can't park in the opposite direction to the flow of traffic on your side of the road. Strange but true. This afternoon I went to see the Ron Mueck exhibition ( It was truly amazing. I've never seen anything like it. Talented guy. Tonight has been all about the pumpkin risotto and packing for the move tomorrow. Oh, and a little bit of emailing and blogging. And the sun shone all day long in the blue blue sky. It's meant to be the same tomorrow and will hopefully last until Sunday when we're exploring some of the Mornington Peninsula wineries. Bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. Mate - just been reading over your blog. Sounds like such a great trip - I can't wait to hear all about it over a glass of vino or two when you finally reach me in Singapore! Can't wait to see you!! Saw your parents at Kate's wedding - was lovely to see them. They said all was going well on your trip.
    Just checking you are arriving on Monday 3rd May at 15.35? I have a meeting till 15.45ish (will try to cut it short if poss) so will probably get to the airport for 16.15 at the latest so don't rush and I hopefully will get there to meet you as you come through - if not, just hang tight and I will be there asap!
    On an expedition with the kids next week so won't have internet access till next Sunday evening so if there are any problems at all my phone number is (65) 93887944.
    Really can't wait to see ya!!! V excited!!!
    Lots of love xxxxx
