Monday 26 April 2010

Life on the ocean wave

So, we survived three nights on Whitsunday Magic and enjoyed it so much that we've booked another three nights. We've got a couple of hours on dry land before we get back on board. The boat is stunning with a big sun deck on top with loungers for lounging, plus another deck at the back with some all-important shade and tables and chairs for eating al fresco. We've got an en-suite cabin (teeny tiny, both the cabin and the en suite but adequate for our needs) with air-con and the food has been out of this world. We knew we'd arrived when, lounging on our loungers this morning, the chef approached and said, 'Chocolate tart ladies?' We've had peppered steak with garlic and rosemary sauteed potatoes, fish with salt and pepper calamari served on a bed of lemon and lime risotto and grilled zuccini, fruit sorbet with ginger crumble, vanilla panna cotta with fruit coulis... You get the drift. Why would we not get back on the boat?

We've also done lots of snorkelling and had fish eyeballing us, so close they are touching our masks. We've seen lots of lovely coral. A few turtles. A dolphin. Done a bush walk. Seen the swirling sands that you will have seen on postcards. I went for a run (in the rain admittedly) on Whitehaven Beach. And I've done lots of reading. The crew were all lovely - mainly English - and the passengers were all nice too. No life-long friendships but that's not why I'm here. Janelle and I have survived living in such close proximity and we're really looking forward to the next three days. The weather has been mixed but always warm so no complaints there. We've also had the sails up a few times - that's pretty amazing.

So, the bad news about staying on the boat for three more days is that I'm going to be at sea for my birthday. Now that's a great thing for me but I know it will upset me Ma if she doesn't get to speak to me on the day. I'll just have to see if we've got signal, as we haven't for large parts of the cruise, but I know you will be thinking of me and will be thinking right back atchya. It will be a tough day but in a way, being so remote will help it not feel like my birthday. And that's a good thing. Unfortunately we managed to leave the parcels people have very kindly posted to me in Melbourne, but they are winging their way to Brisbane as I type so I'll get them on Sunday. Thank you so much to those of you who did that - you are very kind. And I'm also incredibly touched by the lovely Zehra who has arranged to go out for a drink with Molly on my birthday. You are a very special person and I love you for doing that. I'm so touched that you even thought of it, nevermind extended international invites to our friends. I'll be raising my glass to you and thanks to you I'll be enjoying a cocktail or two, or maybe some bubbly as the sun sets over the ocean - thank you Z!

So, on that note I better sign off as my internet time is running out. Will be back later in the week...

1 comment:

  1. A dolpine!that sounds amazing- i have been sailing for over 20 years now and i'm still waiting for that to happen.

    hope you got all of our birthday messages! if not happy birthday again.
    love Lois
