Friday 30 September 2011

A quick FYI in case you think I'm MIA

Sorry for the silence; I'm aware I've gone quiet but it's not been intentional. I've been relying on internet cafes since I got back to France and also making the most of my last few days in the sunshine as I head back to the UK next week to start work back in London the week after. The agency I was at earlier this year offered me another six-month contract which kind of works for me as it means I can take off again next summer. I know it's everything I promised I wouldn't do, but I do enjoy my job and the people I work with (hello Luke!) and it's a good way to fund my next adventure. It will also be nice to spend some time with family and friends but I'm warning you now, I'm likely to be a moaning minnie for a good few weeks while I re-adjust.

Since getting back from the UK, this is what I've done:

- Marked T's birthday. I hate the birthdays and anniversaries passing, especially T's birthday. He loved his birthday. I had a strawberry tart on his behalf and lit a candle for him.

- Went to a bi-annual cheese/slow food festival in Piedmonte, Italy. We ate far too much but it was a good day out. I really enjoyed driving through the mountains and fell in love with a small ski village called Limone (lemon in English!).

- Watched a film called 'Auberge Espagnole' for the first ever time. It's basically like watching a film about our lives in Casque D'or in Perpignan. Very surreal. I'm pleased I got to watch it with Chri though, and will be bringing it home to watch with Marras Nic and Hooch.

- Went to the beach most days last week as the weather has been glorious. That's meant I've done a lot of reading which I'm very happy about. I read a good book called 'Night Train to Lisbon' by Pascal Mercier and I've just finished 'Water for Elephants' which I really enjoyed too (thanks Sal!). Now I'm stuck as my next book is in Nice and I'm in Cannes. Grrrr.

- Marked our wedding anniversary. I spent the day on the beach and went out with friends in Monaco in the evening. I told them about T, but not that it was our anniversary that day. They didn't need to know. I enjoyed the day and thought a lot about the happiest day of our lives five whole years ago.

- Met my parents at Nice airport and am currently enjoying spending a week on holiday with them in Cannes. We've been to a beautiful island - Ile Saint Honorat - just a 20-minute boat journey from Cannes. It's very unspoilt and home to a lot of monks. It's well worth a visit. We've also watched lots of stunning sunsets, explored some of the coastline and swam in the sea every day. Today I mastered swimming with my head underwater and saw a big school of fish swimming below me in the crystal clear water! I can't remember ever swimming in such clear sea - it was more like swimming in a pool. Admittedly it's much colder than it was a couple of weeks ago, but still very pleasant for swimming. Yesterday we went to Italy and I feel in love with a town just over the border called Bordighera. I swam at our regular beach in Bussana then picked Chri up from Sanremo and went to my favourite restarant in Bussana Vecchia (the earthquake-damaged town) for dinner. It was very strange for both Chri and me being there again and with my parents too, but we had a lovely evening.

And this is what the next few days has in store:

- Chilling around Cannes tomorrow, including another visit to the beach and some more underwater action!

- Cocktails on a rooftop bar in Nice on Saturday night before my parents fly home, then dinner for me with some lovely Italian friends. Chri is going to Milan so he's a bit put-out that I'll be socialising with 'his' friends!

- A spa day on Sunday with one of the lovely Italian friends who was going to take me as a surprise for my last weekend here but was too excited to keep it to herself - means I've got it to look forward to though.

- Fingers and toes crossed that Monday is nice so I can go to the beach in Villefranche one last time then spend my final evening with Chri. I don't quite know what I'll do without Chri, but I guess I survived for 14 years without him last time, so I can do it again (well hopefully not 14 years this time).

- Fly back to the UK on Tuesday and start work again the following Monday but let's not talk about that right now...

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