Monday 23 April 2012

Hello India!!

In summary, as my phone isn't liking this for some reason... 1. All is well with McRudders in Delhi! Flight half empty so lots of space. Loved my banoffee Gü pot for dessert and my Moma bircher muesli for brek - great idea that more airlines should embrace. Met random English guy getting off plane (reminiscent of my Taken story at Saigon airport!), who pointed me in the right direction, told me how to work out the exchange rate and gave me his card in case of emergencies. Some people are very kind and no, before you ask, I don't think he had any ulterior motives! 2. Weather is good - about 33 today but with a nice breeze. Air-con and a fan in this hotel room - hurray! 3. Dozed then took myself off to Humayan's Tomb this afternoon. Took a tuk-tuk that cost me about £1.50 for the 30 min journey. It was a great way to see some of the city and get a feel for the place. I didn't really get hassles so was pleased I braved it on my own. 4. Group will total ten, including the guide. Two people arrive later tonight. All seem nice: an Irish couple, a lovely Dutch girl, a quiet Swiss girl and two young Danish girls. An American and a Belgian yet to meet. We all went out for a lovely curry this evening; made me feel at home! 5. It's gonna be a hectic trip and involve A LOT of travelling; starting with a 14-hour overnight train tomorrow afternoon. We arrive in Bikaner at 5.45am :( But tomorrow morning we're exploring Delhi together. That's all for now. More as and when I can. Thanks for all the love and support I've received, that is the only reason I'm saying goodnight from Delhi, India; wouldn't be here if I was doing this completely on my own xx

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