Tuesday 17 April 2012

Two things

1. They don't have toilet paper in India!!!! After all these years I didn't realise that the whole wiping your derriere with your left hand was so goddamn literal. Shit. Or crap. Or any other toilet related expletive that can be inserted at this moment. And I've got a dirty-toilet phobia. Waaaaaaaaaa. And there was me being so smug about my Shewee. That'll teach me. OK, I need to buy double stocks of hand sanitiser and wipes. And take my own toilet paper; lots of it for 20 days on the road.

2. The temperature in Delhi right now (that's 4.25am) is 22 degrees. During the day it's about 35 degrees. That's hot! But not as hot as the second place I visit after Delhi. There temperatures are forecast to reach 45 degrees. On my birthday in Jaisalmer, the current forecast is mostly sunny with highs of 40 and lows of 27. I may have made a mistake booking to go to Rajasthan in April and May. And I may have made an even bigger mistake shunning the air-conditioned private bus trips to experience the 'real' India using public transport. Oh my god. Really. And if that wasn't bad enough, just think of how gross the toilets are going to be in those temperatures. Help!!!!

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