Friday 20 July 2012

Call to action!

This week I went on a date. Not something I would usually share in such a public place, however out of my date came an important call to action for us Anglo Saxons...

The date was innocent enough – a film under the stars (including one shooting: at which point I felt like I was starring in a cheesy movie but managed not to vomit into my popcorn...), followed by an ice-cream on the prom – so don't read too much into this next comment because it will sound way worse than it was, but I was told that I was surprisingly tactile. Romeo thought that Anglo Saxons were meant to be quite 'cold' people and not very physical! Funny what stereotypes perpetuate in this world we live in. Stereotypes that we need to challenge!

So, get out there people. Be more tactile. Show these Romans that they don't have the monopoly on romance. I've started the campaign (I felt it was my duty), but I need some back up ;)

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