Wednesday 18 July 2012

Last Wednesday I did another first and drove into Monaco to pick Chri up from work. I don't know why, but I loved doing that. It was funny thinking of my little UK car having made it all the way to Monaco. I did almost roll into the back of the car in front while gawping at the flash cars cruising past me. It's a funny old place Monaco, but it is growing on me now that I know it a bit better. I've never been to Vegas but I think it might be a bit like that;  you have to just accept it for what it is in order to get on and enjoy it. 

Anyway, after I collected Chri (and he filled my car up with petrol – it's like having my dad here, love it!) we went to Villefranche and had our first swim of the year together in our favourite bay. It was a bit of a routine last year but now I'm living in Italy it's not very practical, so it was especially great to be back. I was in Nice to collect my friend Kari, who was visiting from the UK but her flight was delayed so Chri and I headed to an Italian restaurant near the port (where I did some Italian/French parking on the pavement outside a church). I had the most delicious seafood linguine washed down with a lovely glass of white wine. I love it here! I dropped Chri at home, had a quick cuppa then headed to the airport to collect Kari.

It was lovely seeing a friendly face from home and great that we had the drive back to Italy to catch up on each other's news. I dropped Kari at her hotel and met her at the beach the following afternoon once I'd finished work. Unfortunately the waves were too big to venture into the sea so we chilled out on the beach then I went for a run along the seafront followed by a pizza and a gelato. On Friday I drove to Monaco again and met Kari, Chri and some of his friends for an apertivo in The Brasserie. We then went for a really nice Thai meal (my first in France or Italy) in Juan Les Pins and a cocktail. That night we stayed at Chri's but I got up at what felt like the crack of dawn the next morning to take him to the airport for a stag do in Barcelona. Luckily I was able to go back to bed when I got back and caught up on some sleep before heading to Villefranche in the afternoon. Getting the train again made me incredibly thankful I've brought my car with me. I really couldn't survive without transport here. 

On Saturday night we picked up an Italian friend who was on my TEFL course last year and happened to be in Nice that weekend and drove to Menton – in France but near the Italian border – for a Bastille Day meal and fireworks with some of my Italian friends. It was a good night but another example of the Italian way of drinking/not drinking. Yes, we had wine etc with our meal, but after the fireworks we strolled through the town (not stopping anywhere for a drink) and stumbled across an old-school dance in a marquee on the sea front. We stopped there and did some dancing (well, I call it dancing but I think the pros there were a bit pissed off with us...) then headed home. It was a late but a totally sober night, for the drivers as well as the passengers. I think Kari was a bit surprised but you do get used to it and, although you might be tired the following day, it's actually really nice not being hungover. 

We spent Sunday on our usual Italian beach where it was finally possible to do some swimming, although the waves were still pretty big, then had dinner in my favourite favourite restaurant in Bussana Vecchia. It was so nice being back there and the food was as good as usual. Kari stayed with me on Sunday night then before we knew it, it was Monday again and time to take the kids to the beach. All in all, a great weekend was had by all and although I don't want the time to pass as quickly as it is, I say roll on the next one!

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