Friday 26 October 2012

Get by with a little help from my friends

I'm on the road again. After four glorious months in the south, the time has come for me to head back up north and yesterday I made the long drive from Nice to the outskirts of Paris. I have to admit that I left with a heavy heart. A heart that tells me to stay down there where the quality of life is good and the weather is several degrees warmer, in a country that I've fallen in love with and a language I'm finally beginning to get to grips with. But a heart that also tells me I'll be back. I've had another amazing summer. I've made new friends, seen new places, done new things. I've learnt valuable life lessons, I've grown as a person and I'm happy.  

On Monday I start a new contract in London. At this moment in time it's only for seven weeks so I'm living very much in the short term. I'm also homeless in London as my flat is rented out until Christmas, a week after my contract finishes – typical! But, maybe for the first time in my life, all of that uncertainty is fine by me. I think I've surprised even the non-planning Italians with my laid-back approach to this new chapter of my life. I've certainly surprised myself – it's very out of character for a control-freak like me. 

The thing that makes it easier is that I have very generous friends and family. I know that I will never be truly homeless. Beds have been offered to me by friends with children; parents offering to go in with their children so I can have their room. It's incredibly touching and I'm very grateful. Friends in the UK, Italy, France, and today in Australia, have told me their home is my home. In some cases their home has been my home in recent weeks or will be in the coming weeks. And maybe that's why I'm not phased by the impending uncertainty. Because I'm lucky enough to have a plethora of people looking out for and after me. Thank you!

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