Saturday 6 October 2012

This is what life is all about

I'm sat cross-legged on my bed, cup of tea in hand, the window open, looking out over the primrose yellow of the modern art museum building contrasted against the blue of the sky. It's definitely not the blue of a summer sky, but it's clear blue sky all the same. I've been flicking through my Lonely Planet book trying to decide whether to go to Parma, Modena, Florence or Siena today and I think I've settled on Parma. Right at this second, and despite being alone, I am 100% happy and that to me is what life is all about.

Yes, be envious and jealous of me; I'd get why you would be. But never ever lose sight of the fact that I went to hell and back to get to where I am today. Something that when I'm feeling happy I sometimes have to remind myself of too. But acknowledge too that I've made conscious decisions and certain sacrifices to be where I am today. And that is something we all have the power to do. If you don't like something; change it. It may not always be simple but at least try. Today is all we have. Really. I can't remember if I've quoted this before but I once read somewhere that every day you should be able to say, today is a good day to die. Easier said than done? Quite possibly. But why let that stop you from trying?

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