Friday 5 February 2010

To do lists

I've been surrounded by to do lists since I met T. I never used to bother with them. Now I couldn't live without them. They're coming out my ears. This is how mine looks today:

Postal redirection?
Sort out broadband
Travel insurance - <£100?
Bike tax rebate
What drugs (legal) can you take into NZ/Aus?
Private medical cover
DIY - heaters x2, washer on tap, garage locks
Speak to family liaison offiicer (who incidentally hasn't returned my calls since October - surely not right?)
TV license renewal
Write new will
Give house plants to someone
Confirm B&B for 3 Peaks
Easyjet flight query
Tidy hall cupboard x2, kitchen cupboards and defrost freezer
Get stuff out loft
Send off proof of ID to banks x2

There's more but I won't bore you with the rest. Suffice to say that surprisingly I don't spend my work-less new life watching daytime television or reading trashy novels. Makes me wonder how I found the time to work. On top of the to do list, today I've also been to three banks for various boring reasons; washed the car; cleaned all the windows in the flat; oh, and admittedly I did have time for an aromatherapy massage this morning. I guess that was some me-time.

I do spend a disproportionately large amount of time online but I'm not sure what I do. Or rather I know what I do (check my emails, check facebook, check T's emails, check my bank accounts, reply to some emails, check facebook again, check my emails, reply to some emails, go on the BBC to ensure I haven't missed anything, check my emails...) but I don't know why I do it. Maybe it's because you can interact with the internet? Who knows. One thing I do know is that I have less online interaction over the weekend as people aren't at work. That means I almost feel like I'm doing a Mon-Fri 9-5 as that's when I get replies to my emails etc. Makes it feel like a long old time from Friday to Monday though.

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