Tuesday 19 July 2011

Grammar update

Apparently we all passed the grammar test. Not sure by how much, but the main thing is that we all passed. Phew. Still lots of self-study to do as I'm not quite sure I could explain the past perfect continuous aspect to anyone, nevermind someone who isn't a native English speaker...

I also took my first lesson; a one-on-one with a 15-year old girl. It went OK. I can identify lots of room for improvement but it's good to have got the first one out of the way. Speaking of firsts, I also ventured into the pool this evening and did my 50 lengths. The weather has been pretty dire here today so there were only two young boys in there. At least I know the ropes a bit now.

Loving hearing from you - thanks for your calls, emails, cards etc. You are the best! Night night xx

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