Monday 18 July 2011

Making an impression

This might make you laugh; it makes me laugh just thinking about it! So, on Saturday I went to Italy to visit the Italian. I had to get up early (7.15am) and it took two hours to get there because you have to change trains at the border where there is usually a wait plus a delay (I don't think I've been on a punctual Italian train yet). Anyway, I arrive at San Remo, get a lift back to Chri's and drop my stuff on, then we set off on an hour and three quarter scooter ride to meet friends of his at a beach halfway between where he lives and where they live in Genoa. It was a stunning drive along the aurelia with the Med on one side and the mountains on the other. We passed through some lovely seaside towns and villages, including the one where my parents honeymooned which I was very excited about!

We eventually arrive at the beach and I meet the friends - so far so good and I don't feel too intimidated among the classy Italians. After saying hello, I go and put my bikini on and when I come back Chri is chatting to some of his friends on the beach while two of the guys have already gone into the sea. I don't want Chri to feel he has to look after me all the time, or to detract from his time with his friends, so I decide to go and have a swim to unwind after my long journey from France. I get to the shore and dip my feet in the water. The waves are quite big but not too scary. It's a shingle beach with a big drop. I go in a bit further, with the two guys encouraging me in. Big waves are breaking on my stomach. The next thing I know, I'm drowning! I'm underwater and my face is being pounded onto the shingle. I don't know which way is up. I'm being rolled by the wave and have inhaled lots of sea water. After what felt like an eternity, I surfaced to find one of the guys coming to my rescue Baywatch-style. I catch my breath, get my bearings and eventually look down to find I've popped out of my bikini. Definitely not cool! Almost drowning was embarrassing enough, but flashing someone I'd met about seven minutes earlier (plus half the beach) was mortifying, but perhaps a good way to break the ice!

The boys were very kind and recovered my sunglasses from the sea and eventually physically helped me into the water. I thought the bikini episode was going to go unmentioned but that was wishful thinking. When I saw them later that day I was asked if I'd gone into the sea after they'd left to make another show! Cheeky sods! Anyway, the rest of the afternoon was spent without incident - I studied a bit and had a little siesta. And I definitely didn't venture back into the sea! That evening we were invited to Chri's friends in Imperia for a BBQ. The food was divine and everyone was so lovely to me. Between the six of us we communicated in Italian, French and English, which worked. The weather wasn't great on Sunday so Chri and I went to the local beach where I studied some more and ate delicious sea bass before heading back to France.

Right, back to school. Will try and log on again later.

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