Friday 29 July 2011

Here's a quick update as I haven't had a chance to post much this week. School has been fine. I've taught a few lessons but just observed on Wednesday and Thursday. We've been learning about young learners (sounds like hard work but lots of fun!) and also had to write a 1,000 word essay on how much grammar, if any, should be taught. We were directed to a really interesting website about a certain teaching approach this is materials light - it's called Dogme ( The logic is that the teaching should be structured around what's happening in the students' lives, not doing role plays out of text books that are of no interest/relevance to the students. In its most extreme form, the teacher plays the role of a facilitator and is an equal within the discussions that arise in the classroom. I found reading about this approach really interesting and there's definitely some aspects of it that I would like to experiment with given the chance.

I also found out this week that I can stay in this apartment for August if I want and also that I've got some work the week after the course finishes! A women is coming to the school for a solid week of English lessons (7.5 hours/day!), paid for by her employer. As this is so intensive, and because one of the English teachers is off on the Monday and Tuesday of that week, I'm going to be sharing some of the teaching. The scary thing is I've been told to act like I've been doing it for ages (er, ok...) but also the lessons I take will be very long as they'll be half a day each. I'm hoping that her level will be basic enough for me to have lots to cover and that the focus will also be on the office world (she's a PA), so we can do lots of flight and meeting bookings, emails, letters etc. I'll also be following someone else's lesson plan so that could make it easier. Or not. Anyway, the school obviously has confidence in me so I'm just going to go with the flow as it's great experience.

Last night Chri came for dinner (and he loved it - even the nibbles and the beer - and he wanted the recipe for the main = result! I gave him a choice of carbonara or couscous and he went for the couscous, so I managed to avoid making carbonara for him, which I was actually a bit nervous about!). It was so nice having someone round and also having someone else to help fill my empty apartment. After dinner we went to see Jamiroquai with about seven of Chri's mates. The gig was amazing! I loved it and will definitely have to rediscover his music. I don't know his recent stuff and haven't heard his old stuff for years. I kind of thought he'd disappeared. The friends were nice. I got on really well with a French girl who lived in California for seven years so speaks fluent English. She lives in the centre of Nice and is in the process of divorcing her husband, so I've pinpointed her as a potential meeting for a coffee buddy. Two of Chri's Italian mates from Genova are staying with him this weekend, so they joined us too. The guy spoke English but the girl reckoned she didn't, but when she had to, she managed and we got on well together. I'm going to Chri's this afternoon so Massimo (the guy) will pick me up from the station and we'll all spend the weekend together. Elivera (the girl) is a runner, so I've been told to take my stuff. I'm very excited to have running buddies! Chri also told me that Massimo is a great cook. Even better than Chri, and that's saying something! I've asked to be sous-chef so I'm hoping to come away from the weekend with some more Italian cooking skills (I think my mum thinks I eat carbonara every day!). He was talking about doing something with courgette flowers last night. Get in!!

I'd been a bit low last weekend and Chri had been a bit down last time I saw him, but he more than made up for it last night and put a smile back on my boat race. He loves winding me up and was really on form last night (and this morning in fact). We keep saying that after 15 years I should know better than to take the bait, but more often than not he gets me. Damn him. He also makes me laugh as he's adopted the word 'Marra' and has taken to calling Newcastle 'Chateau neuf'.

Right, I better think about making a move. School starts at 10h30 this morning and finishes at noon - hardly worth going in, but I suppose I better make the effort. I'll try and post again this afternoon, but if I don't manage to then I just wanted to thank everyone who has contacted me already with their kind words and thoughts. My lovely Ma was looking at flights to Nice when she thought I might be on my own this weekend, lovely sis has sent a card - thanks lovely sis! - and I've had lots of emails. Thank you all; you don't know how much that means to me. As always, please raise a glass or two to T this weekend and use this time to reflect on how you could take inspiration from him to try and live your life less ordinary. He'd really like that. I've had random visions of T dancing to Groove is in the Heart by Deee-Lite this week, so I might also play that while raising my glass. That will make me smile. To T then, who I will love and miss until my dying day.

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