Thursday 20 May 2010

3 Peaks

I thought I'd let you know that I've survived my first week back. It's not necessarily been all easy sailing, but I've survived. And that's the main thing. I've caught up with as many friends as I could and still have lots to see. But that will have to wait unfortunately, as today I'm heading north for the latest challenge that T set us. On Saturday, me and 8 of our mates are going to attempt the Yorkshire 3 Peaks walk. This is a 24.5m/39.2km walk up and down three of Yorkshire's peaks. That you have to complete in 12 hours or less in order to complete the challenge. It's not going to be easy, but it's training for our national 3 Peaks Challenge in June, where we'll climb Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hours. With 500m/800km of driving in between. I may have already mentioned that T emailed his mates to try and arrange the national 3 Peaks just a week or so before he died. So he really threw down the gauntlet. How could we not do it? It's also a good opportunity to raise some more money for Medecins Sans Frontieres in T's memory. You can sponsor us via the Just Giving website if you'd like to. Let me know if you need the link.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. And I'm incredibly grateful to T for making me do these things that I'm getting so much pleasure from. When he mentioned the 3 Peaks to me, I thought the walk sounded impossible and suggested I could be the driver. Now I'm raring to walk up hill and down dale. How things change. I wish more than anything that I was still a lazy so-and-so that could ferry T round the country on his various challenges. But given that's not possible, I am grateful to have this opportunity to continue to live my life in the spirit T intended to live his.

I'm stopping in Sheffield en route tomorrow to have lunch with T's step-sister. It will be tough going back there but I'm looking forward to seeing the city again after so long. It's where some of my happiest memories were created and will always have a special place in my heart.

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