Monday 17 May 2010

Star struck

My highlights today were seeing my lovely London friends Lynn, Molly and Zehra for lunch. And seeing Christopher Ecclestone. He was just wandering round the Festival Hall looking less like the Doctor and more like an average Joe. I get very star struck though. So I was following his every move, but sadly he didn't do anything interesting. Nor did I get any photos. It was really nice catching up with the girls. They have been so supportive both before I went away, while I was away and now that I'm back. I'm lucky to have them in my life. Big up the girls.

Speaking of stars, I can't remember if I mentioned it while I was away but sat around a campfire on night on a beach in NZ one night I learnt that when translated, Milky Way becomes Milk Street in German. I know it's not so far removed from the English but it tickled me.

On a moaning note, I was stuck in a queue to get through to easyjet's call centre for just under two hours today. At 10p/min. How bad's that? I know they've got ash-related shit to deal with but two bleeding hours! Not 'appy, as T would have said in a broad Nottingham accent.

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