Friday 7 May 2010

Stand by me

PS I don't quite know what to make of this, if anything, but I logged out of my blog after publishing my last post and music started playing in the hotel lobby. It was 'Stand by me'. That was the song T and I did our first dance to at our wedding. Out of all the songs in the world that could have played at that moment. I guess it's a good sign and maybe it relates to my friends who have stood by me. Or maybe it was T saying hello to me in Vietnam? Although now 'Thunder only happens when it's raining' is playing and I can't find meaning in that!

PPS I've just been back to the rooftop bar at the Caravelle and had a coconut and ginger smoothie with my former colleague Peter. Peter's wife died a few years ago so he's been through his share of shit but has made a new life for himself out here in Saigon. Once again, it's funny how this trip has worked out and I've been able to see so many people that have been so useful to me in so many ways. Not useful in a flippant way. Useful in a coping way. It was so nice to see him again and we spent quite a lot of time talking about other Edgers. Some of you may have felt your ears burning.

1 comment:

  1. 'Everyone carries with them at least one piece to someone else's puzzle' - Lawrence Kushner ;-) GBx
