Friday 28 May 2010

I did something amazing today

My extreme sport of today was to donate just under a pint of my lovely O-Pos blood to someone who will need it more than I do. T and I were regular donors, in fact we donated just a week or two before T died. I haven't donated since, so figured it was about time I pulled my finger out. I have been liable to faint in the past so I like to go with someone if I can, but today I braved it on my own. And survived. So far anyway.

Amazingly 96% of us rely on the other 4% to give blood. I reckon most of us know someone who has needed blood in the past. Like the organ donation, sadly we never know when we might need to rely on someone else's generosity to help us or someone we love survive. So if you're not already a donor, please consider signing up today:

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