Friday 7 May 2010

Home and away

I've been meaning to say for a while that although I keep saying I'm not looking forward to coming home, I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends again. It's just facing up to everything again that I'm not looking forward to. Since I've been away I've felt so far removed from my life in the UK and everything that's happened. It's been nice not being in that groundhog-day life I felt like I was living. But, I don't want you to think that I'm not looking forward to seeing everyone again. I am. And I know it won't all be bad. Already my diary is filling up with Three Peaks-related stuff, Great North Run training, a trip back home and dinner dates. I'm going to say it again: I'm so lucky to have such amazing mates (family included). You have got me to where I am now and I have no doubt that you'll get me through my homecoming.

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