Thursday 11 March 2010

12 minute update

So, I'm in an internet cafe in Oamaru and I have 11m 33s of internet time left so will try and type fast...

Joined group in Wellington after saying goodbye to Laura. I definitely left a bit of my heart in the windy city - it's stunning. Caught ferry to Picton and chatted to a few people then stayed in a hostel. Since then I've been dolphin swimming at Kaikoura which was an incredible experience. They were en route to their feeding ground so didn't hang around but they were within touching distance as they leapt by and we got about 5 swims in with them in total. I sang the Flipper theme tune to them.

Also been whitewater rafting at the Rangitata Gorge. It was amazing. I did lots of screaming and loved every minute. Last night we were in a bush camp beside an amazing glacial lake with a smelly long-drop toilet. This morning we did a lovely 3 hour walk to the base of Mt Cook and another glacial lake with mini icebergs in it. And tonight we are in Oamaru (not in our bush camp as it's turned very windy). Weather has generally been lovely - blue skies, lots of warm sunshine and lovely sunsets/rises, but there's a cold front moving in so it's meant to be changing. Should be good for the Routeburn Track walk in a few days though.

People are friendly - a mix of nationalities - and so far none of them know my story so I've had a few private tears but have generally been putting on my brave, smiley face. Quite hard at times but lots of distractions. Food has been great on the tour. I'm cooking today so was up at 6am to lay out the breakfast stuff. We stopped at a salmon farm en route so tonight it's salmon in a cream sauce with pasta.

Right, gotta dash but just wanted to check in. Sorry it's short but thinking of you all and sending love to my fam. Thanks for all the emails/texts - will reply at some point...

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