Saturday 6 March 2010

Chapter two

Well, here I am on the eve of the next leg of my adventure. Tonight I join a 27-day group tour of New Zealand - both North and South Islands. I feel a mixture of apprehension, excitement, nerves and curiosity. We camp most nights and the focus is very much on the outdoors, with walks and bike rides every day. It will be so nice to explore this beautiful country without having to do it alone. But in many ways, although I'll be in a group, I think I will feel very alone. Still, there'll be plenty to see and do and I'm sure I'll meet some like-minded people. I get the impression that the group has been together since Auckland so I may well be the new girl but hopefully people will be nice to me and it won't be as daunting as I'm anticipating it might be.

I'm taking advantage of the electricity and comfort of Laura's apartment while I can, having charged my camera battery and phone, and washed, dried and straightened my hair (loving having my straighteners with me!), so I think I'm just about set. Tonight I meet the group and we catch the ferry across to the South Island, spending tonight in a hostel in Picton. On Monday we camp near the beach at Kaikoura and I've booked a swimming with dolphins trip for Tuesday. I'm not very confident in the open sea, nor am I keen on coming face to face with sea creatures but I think it will be quite an experience so I'm going to be brave. I think I'll need a large dose of bravery to get me through the next 24 hours. I'm sorry to be saying goodbye to Wellington, and to Laura. I will miss them both and am grateful to have been able to acclimatise here for the past few days. So, wish me luck and I'll keep you posted as and when I can over the next month...


  1. Wishing you lots of luck and love on your trip. So pleased for you that the straighteners got packed! Thank you for ringing earlier, you brightened up my evening. Starry night xx

  2. Wishing you luck and safe travels Lady Rudders! Was a TREAT to have you to stay. I miss you already! Come back soon once you're done with the dolphins, misty mountains and hot pools. Hope the other kids are nice - write soon! xxx

  3. Text received from Sarah - Just2 let you know I am okay. Whale watching cancelled today - bad weather - but up at 4.20 4 dolphin swim. Everyone nice so coping so far.
    That's our girl.

  4. Hey Sarah your trip sounds amazing already! I'm so jealous of you being in Kaikoura - that was one of the best parts of our holiday. I hope the group have welcomed you in and that you're relaxing into this leg of your adventure. George and I are going to pop to your flat tomorrow. Looking forward to your next update, C x

  5. Hi Sarah, enjoy the next leg of your trip! Really enjoying your blog, feels like I'm with you! Thinking of you lots, love Fleeps xxxx

  6. Hi Sarah/Auntie CC, we finally managed to access your blog! Great to hear news of the wonderful things you are doing. Lots of Love from Caro and Harry xxx
