Wednesday 17 March 2010

Swing when you're winning

Check this out: This is what I did this morning - the world's highest swing. Oh my god. It was amazing, over very, very quickly but amazing nonetheless. Isa and I were the first ones up, through choice, so had no real idea what was coming. A wise move on our part methinks. We were harnessed in then attached to each other. This took a long time because we weren't very obedient when it came to following orders like 'take your feet off the ground' and 'wave to that camera'. Then they released us. Oh my god again. You freefall 160m, in my case with my eyes mostly closed. It was a sunny but chilly morning and the speed and coldness of the wind rushing past me as we travelled at speeds of goodness knows what was enough to make me shut your eyes. The bonus of this was that I wasn't as aware as I might have been of the ground rushing towards us. Then the swing kicks in and you are swung across the other side of the canyon. Crazy shit. That's when you remember to scream. And scream I did. I anticipated more of a swing back and forth but because the swing is so long then it's all very gentle after that and you just do a few backwards and forwards above the river and absorb what you've just done. Then you are gradually winched back up, grinning from ear to ear and feeling extremely proud of yourself. I don't think I would have done it if T had been here with me. I did it for him and to challenge myself. I know he would be proud of me doing the Nevis Arc. I can see him grinning from ear to ear on my behalf. I contemplated doing another one for $35 but decided to save my pennies for copies of the official photos and video. Then a huge burger at Fergburger's in Queenstown and a well-earned beer. Woop woop.


  1. Woweeeee! That looked amazing. And scary. Like Alton Towers X a million!

    Well done S, I'm looking forward to seeing the pics. Love Mol xx

  2. Wow, just watched the video on the link! So pleased you did it!! xx
