Tuesday 2 March 2010

Room with a view

Well, here I am in Wellington enjoying a beer with Laura and gazing out from her lounge over the bay to the hillside and mountains opposite. It's truly spectacular and not at all like I imagined. Apart from the fact the room feels like it's moving, I feel surprisingly good. We've already had a quick tour of Wellington in the car and got some provisions in so can just chill out now and see what time my body thinks is bedtime.

It's very windy here but was a pleasant 20 degrees when I arrived. There's lots of low grey cloud skimming the tops of the hills but it's dry and certainly an improvement on the weather I left behind in London on Sunday night. Wellington is very green with wooden houses perched on the surrounding hillsides. It's a bit like Rio. Well, not quite, but kind of. Tomorrow Laura is at work so I plan to wander into the CBD and take a look around. On Thursday we're off to some wineries then to the Hogg family farm on Friday.

I'm so happy to be here. With Laura. After an easy enough journey. In one piece. With my suitcase. And a beer. And the view to top it all. T would approve and would definitely want to live here. But then there's not many places he didn't want to live.


  1. Sounds cool!!!xxx

  2. Hello Laura and Sarah. Sounds lovely where you are. I'm at the kitchen table with a view of my washing (!) currently plotting how I can wangle a business class flight one of these days - sounds amazing! Glad you got there safely, Sarah. Enjoy that beer. Love Molly xx
