Monday 22 March 2010

The day I nearly jumped out a plane at 13,000ft

Put my name down for a skydive today, jumping tomorrow. Stopped off at the airstrip en route to do the paperwork in advance and were told that we were jumping there and then instead. Holy shit once again. Felt sick. Had a cry. Went to the loo twice in 4 minutes. Got harnessed up. Watched the first three people head up into the clouds. Waited a bit. Watched them come gliding back down to terra firma. Felt sick. Stopped crying. Rain started. Jump cancelled. That was enough of an adrenaline buzz for me. I don't think I need to do the actual jump. But I will. Written on my hands in preparation of the jump today is '4 Tim'. That will be written there tomorrow too and that's why I have to do it. T absolutely loved his parachute jump and everyone that came safely down today was buzzing, even the girl who was more scared than me. So I reckon it'll do me good to feel the fear and do it anyway. It does mean that tomorrow is pretty busy as I'm off sea kayaking in Abel Tasman National Park tomorrow. We get picked up at the end of the trip by the skydive people and off we go again. Subject to the weather, which is meant to be good. As a quick aside, the girl on reception was from Bebside in Northumberland. Small world, ay?

Otherwise, not much to report. The weather has been shit. Very wet but it's also humid now. I upgraded last night in Punakaiki as all my stuff was really damp. Went to the Pancake Rocks yesterday. They were pretty cool with lots of blowholes at high tide. There was one called Chimney Pot because it looked like there was smoke coming out of it. We had pancakes for brekkie in honour of our location. I've been speaking French with a Frenchie called Alice. I feel tired and ready for a break from the camping lark. We've got two nights here in Abel Tasman then I get to see Laura for a night in Wellington. I'm so looking forward to getting back to civilisation, even if it's just for a night. And it will be lovely to see Laura. I wish I had more than two nights with her at the end of my trip. The time has passed really quickly. But, on the plus side, I get to see my Melbourne marras soon. Looking forward to that too.

Alright, braindump over. Off to buy some beers for tonight to celebrate my almost skydive. And give me some Dutch courage for the real thing tomorrow. I will be fine. So please don't worry Mum! xx


  1. Rudders, you're a maniac. You've done more in 3 weeks in this country than I've done in 32 years. I am ashamed of myself and insanely proud of you. I am also somewhat nervous about picking up a hardcore, adventure-seeking, battle-scarred, long-drop loving, Amazonesque woman from the ferry instead of the Sarah that I know and love. Please carry a sign in case I don't recognise you! But seriously, can't wait to see you Wednesday. X

  2. Of course I will worry that's what Mum's are for but love you regardless of the worry. Good Luck x

  3. Yee haa! Go girl, C'MON!! So so proud xxx
