Friday 12 March 2010

16m 27s

Rightio, what can I tell you today... travelled from Oamaru along the coast to the Moeraki Boulders (big round boulders, funnily enough) that were created millions of years ago and are slowly being exposed on the beach by the coastal erosion. Had a lovely flat white - have I told you how great the coffee is here? - then carried on to Dunedin, Gallic for Edinburgh. Christchurch was adopted by the English and is bizarrely like England, whereas the Scots adopted Dunedin so you see things like kilt shops and pipe band practice advertised. It's a strange little town, I didn't really warm to it much - but we had a tour of the Speight's Brewery followed by the obligatory tasting, then went and raided the charity shops (called op shops here - opportunity shops), of which there are many in Dunedin. Tomorrow is op shop day so we have to wear our outfits all day - should be interesting.

It's much colder here and we had rain and hail in Dunedin - the first rain I've seen for a while. As a result, most of us have upgraded tonight so we're staying in a YHA hostel in Owaka. The countryside here really reminds me of Northumberland with lots of rolling, pine-clad hills. The hostel is a former mental hospital and apparently my room was the mortuary so I'll be taking another sleeping tablet tonight...

Just about to head off to a pub where we're going to cook burgers then sit in the warmth and drink beer. What a treat.

You don't get much time to chill on this tour, other than on the bus, so feel like I'm just getting snatches of time to do things like catch up on my blog/emails/reading. But until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on...

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